Kusta Di Indonesia Edisi Baru

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Yamin Hasibuan lahir 07 May 1943 di Poriaha, Sibolga, Tapanuli Tengah. Karena situasi yg kurang aman dalam masa kependudukan Jepang, kami kembali ke kampung kami  di Huraba Sipirok Tapanuli Selatan. Masa kanak-kanak sampai remaja tinggal di Huraba Sipirok, ikut orang tua,  kami termasuk Suku Batak Angkola.

Sejak umur sekitar 13 tahun saya pergi merantau, berpindah-pindah tempat di Indonesia dan tidak pulang ke kampung atau Tapanuli sebagai tempat tinggal. 

SR Pagaranjulu Sipirok, SMP di Lahat Sumatera Selatan, SMA di Purwokerto Jawa Tengah, Mahasiswa Fak Kedokteran di Universitas Gajah Mada Yogyakarta, S2 (MPH) di Public Health Faculty of Mahidol University, Bangkok Thailand.


Kepala Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Dompu NTB, Kepala Subdinas Kesehatan Lingkungan Kanwil Depkes Mataram NTB, Direktur RS Siti Hajar Mataram Lombok, Wakil Direktur RS Sitanala Tangerang, Kepala Subdit Kusta Ditjen PPM PLP Jakarta, sampai pensiun Mei 1999, NLR National Consultant Jakarta 2000 - 2012.

Leprosy Education, Workshops/Seminars/Congress and Consultancies

1. A six weeks leprosy course for Medical Officers, SLRT Karigiri India (1980),
2. a WHO Fellowship Leprosy Control for 3 months in Thailand, India, Malaysia (1980),
3. A comparative study in the Philippines (1990)
4. Participated in different seminars and workshops, such as: inter-country workshops ’Implementation and evaluation MDT’, Madras India (1989), Kathmandu Nepal (1990), Bangkok Thailand (1991).
5. WHO meetings in Geneva, New Delhi, Seoul, Colombo. 
6. The 4th International Workshop on Leprosy Control in Asia Kuala Lumpur (1982),
7. The 14th International Leprosy Congress Orlando US (1993),
8. The First International Conference on Leprosy Elimination Hanoi (1994),
9. The International Symposium Leprosy and the Family Cairo (1995),
10. The Second International Conference on Leprosy Elimination New Delhi (1996),
11. The 15th International Leprosy Congress, Beijing China (1998),
12. The 16th International Leprosy Congress, Salvador Brazil (2002).
13. Temporary advisor in Myanmar (1993) and a member of the WHO Leprosy Elimination Advisory Group LEAG (1995-1998).
14. WHO short term consultant for the Kingdom of Buthan (1997), the Philippines (1998) and in Indonesia (1999).
15. Leprosy Consultant for NLR Jakarta Indonesia 2000 - 2012.


1. Hasibuan Y, Leprosy Control in Indonesia, Leprosy Profile with special attention to MD  Implementation, SMHF/MDT Series 2 (1991) pp 11-22.
2. Hasibuan Y, Leprosy Control Program in Indonesia 1991, Seminar on Leprosy Control, Seoul, Korea 3-7 Nov 1991, pp 270-288
3. Hasibuan Y, Treatment Compliance in Leprosy, International Symposium, Leprosy and The Family, Cairo 12-16 March 1995, pp 106-111
4. Hasibuan Y, Leprosy Elimination Campaign in Indonesia, Human Face of Leprosy ILU&AHM, 1998, pp 69-7


Info tentang pengalaman di atas dimuat dalam dua versi Blog. 


b. Versi Indonesia: KUSTA DI INDONESIA
